Whether full details have been provided or a combination of details and links have been provided, you will have step by step details of creating each item.

Use provided cheats to create any item available in the game bat + machine, bat + metal, bat + steel, bird + boat, bird + car, bird + machine, bird + metal, bird + sailboat, bird + steam engine, bird + steamboat, bird. Below you will find a list of all possible combinations in Little Alchemy 2. You’re able to start from Step 1 if you are new and getting started in Little Alchemy. Little Alchemy 2 complete combinations list. There are 8 steps to making Light Bulb from scratch. Or you could keep on reading for the first one's big list of combinations. The best unofficial walkthrough to combine and find all 700 element combos in Little Alchemy 2, plus 109 combinations in Myths and Monsters Pack. Light Bulb in Little Alchemy from scratch. Combining stone and air will net you with some rough and coarse sand. Step 5 - now combine land and earth to make. Step 4 - in step 4 combine air + lava xand it will become stone. Step 3 - now in this step combine earth+ fire to get lava. Step 2 - now combine fire + fire and it will become energy. Step 1 - combine earth + earth and outcome will be land. Sand can be made by combining stone and air elements in Little Alchemy 2. What You’ll Need to Make a Light Bulb in Little Alchemy 2.

Below you will find a list of all possible combinations in Little Alchemy 2.Note: if you're splitting your time between the first and second games, we've got a whole other page about Little Alchemy 2 cheats. Light bulb combinations in Little Alchemy + tree christmas tree + electricity light + human idea + nerd idea + metal lamp Light bulb walkthrough. Before we can create dinosaurs, we first must create sand for them to walk on, or something like that.